1 cucumber
1 Lemon
15-20 Mint Leaves
1 Jug water

Take 1 Cucumber (Medium Size)

Take 50-20 Mint Leaves

Take 1 lemon

And Take a small Piece of Ginger

Cut the Cucumber in thin slices

Similarly cut the Lemon and ginger in small slices

Now add the mint leaves, sliced cucumbers, ginger and lemon to a jug full of water.Take a big jug so that it can have 7-8 glasses of water
Keep the jug in the fridge overnight.Next morning drink a glass of detox water empty stomach.Then drink a glass of this detox water after breakfast, one glass half an hour before lunch and 1 glass half an hour after lunch.Then drink a glass of detox water half an hour before dinner and 1 glass of water half hour after dinner.The main aim is to drink 7-8 glasses of detox water in a day to bring our body in melting fAT mode.Weight gain is a very severe problem but the secret to weight lose is not that difficult.Follow a healthy diet and workout atleast 30 minutes a day in any form.This water alone can not help you..To get maximum benefits of this detox water what you have to do is, follow a healthy diet and workout.This water will not be able to help you if you are eating all sort of junk food and then expecting that drinking detox water will make you slim.This detox weight lose water will surely help you, but only if you will help yourself.Only will diet and exercise you wont be able to lose much but if you will combine healthy diet and exercise with detox water, you will see amazing results