Whether you are eating at home, at your local diner, or at a restaurant with linen tablecloths, cutting fat from your diet should be the primary goal of your weight control efforts. but in addition to watching what you eat, you should be careful how you eat-and not just to avoid unwanted pounds. studies show that eating "mini" meals frequently throughout the day-as many as six a day-can produce some decidedly "maxi" health benefits.Mini meals could well be one of the easiest and most effective healthy lifestyle changes that people can make in their lives.

You must avoid drinking water with meals: It has been observed that Water takes only 10 minutes for absorption from the stomach.This process takes enzymes away from the body.This can result in loss of appetite due to reduction in efficiency of process of digestion.You must drink water about fifteen minutes before taking a meal, half an hour after taking fruits and two hours after full meal.
The change in the bad eating habits to a unhealthy eating habit of full or the partial self-starvation is the biggest mistake made by people when using the quick weight loss method they found. This is definitely not the safe and healthy method. Several built-in defense mechanisms are there in human body which are designed to protect its vital organs when it senses that it's losing the weight too fast. A person could be affected more than just his or her physical appearance by excess weight. The Quality of life, self-esteem, cause depression, heart disease, diabetes and any other health risks are also effected by it. It becomes difficult to perform simple daily tasks and everyday activities. Because of that only most of the people search out and implement a quick weight loss method too fast. All just because they feel bad about themselves and want to make the instant changes. One wants to remove the all deadly sugars and the white carbohydrates from his daily routine. One could add them back in when one hit his goal weight and physical look, so it is just a temporary. White bread, white rice and the pasta as well as the sugary and desserts should not be touched. The person has to choose from various quick weight loss methods set on the records today, with what type or a method he is much more comfortable. The methods could be done in a natural and even in a artificial way. Some methods appeared to be ineffective but due to personal reasons and the quick result explorations, people still continue to pursue this method. To regain the self-confidence, self-worth and promote better health condition, those methods provide people with the positive impacts.
Eating salads and filling Soup is the best thing you can do to your body.It will not only speed up your metabolism but will also solve your body issues as well.
So Here`s the recipe of soup 4 for day 4
Serves - 2
1 Bowl Moong/Moth
1 Chopped Carrot
1 Chopped Onion
1 Chopped Tomato
1/4 Teaspoon cumin seeds
Red Chili Powder
Pepper Powder
1 Teaspoon Crushed Garlic
Take 1 Bowl Moth/Moong Sprouts and soak them overnight

Take a chopped Carrot

Take 1 glass to 1 and a half glass water in a pan and boil soaked moong and for 15-20 minutes or until soft and moong splits into two.

Take half teaspoon oil in a pressure cooker and heat it.

Add one forth teaspoon Cumin seeds

Add 1 Teaspoon Crushed Garlic

Add 1 Chopped Onion

Cook the Onion till translucent in color and then add the chopped Tomato

Add Salt and Red Chili Powder and 1 cup water

Pressure cook for 3 whistles and Sprinkle black pepper powder and oregano

Health Sprouts soup is ready.

The fragrance of garlic mixed with the delicious taste of sprouts will make you go crazy for this soup.It is like, Eat till you feel full.You can each as much as you want .it is a quite satisfying dinner.One of the soup you will want to have again and again.